In my 18 year here in the world, I just don't know how thankful I am that I am still alive and kicking. Most probably than not, I have met a so-near-death experience. I just can't explain life and how it goes.
Personally, I was born as an achiever. Achiever of all things. I intend to be a perfectionist. Everything I do must be perfect or else everyone around me would be disappointed. I just couldn't see myself breaking the rules. I always go for the right thing, the right ones the right way. I am trained to be like that. In my world, people surrounding are those who aim for perfection also. I just couldn't get out of my own shell. I need to stay in my comfort zone.
I get all academic awards. I can get all those "geeky-nerdy-science-math" award. Yeah, right. No one can beat me. It's a stereotype in my world. So typical yet so boring I think.
I was trained to reach high notes, perfect notes, perfect songs. I was trained to sing Marcha Himno Filipina in the right way (yeah, 'cause my great grandpa is the music composer). Everything was like black, gray and white. I just couldn't break those rules.
College came to my way. Still, not a freedom pot for me. I intend to get this and that grade. But I know a day will come when I have to go out of that shell and break that "perfect" life.
Yes, I did fail. In every aspect you would see it, I failed. But it didn't end my life. I just felt a relief. At last, once in my life, I've experienced failing. All I know, this would not be the last but this would be a start of a brand new beginning. I've broken my rules. Hey, not in the bad way but in the best thing ever.
I've already seen my life with no rules from other people but with the rules that I, myself made. I still long for perfection but I am open for everything that will happen to me. This is part of growing up, I would say. Haha. I get to laugh the hardest right now. The old me still retain in my blood but that blood is circulating to have a balance life.
Now, I know my purpose not only the need of my life. I can now see where I'm heading to. I take in little steps to go to my destination. I am inspired and continue to be inspired. I was inspired by many things, by many people.
Beginning a brand new life not only for me but for the nation itself. I just want to stress on the organization of AKO MISMO. I am very proud to be one of its thousands of members(I believe it would reach a million). I jut can't be any prouder with our Rector-Pres, Fr. Mat because he joined and opt to be one. Benedictines are very choosy in TVCs that htey would join and I strongly support the new campaign.
Now, my life has been more socially conscious. I want to beat myself. I am having this purpose to live for myself and others. I officially loved myself and because of this, I've continually loved others unconditionally. I just couldn't thank the people around me for the help.
Sarcastic? Yes, I seek help. I didn't see it as my melting point but my uplifting challenge. I've discovered my parents' great love for me when I started giving up to life and giving up to all the things I used to do. I've discovered who were really my friends. My heart melts with joy and I couldn't stop crying whenever i realize that I am one lucky person to have this kind of environment.
My perfect life has now taken an alternative route. For good. In purpose. In great strength. I am not the perfect person now that people used to see. I am the perfect person to be in an up-and-down situation. I am proud. I truly am.
The purpoe of life is not to give up, not to achieve of what your mind is telling you but what your heart beats for. In my own private life, I have told myself that this is the first and last thing that I would fail (for what it is, I've kept it for private purposes).
If you think I'd only failed on that big issue, I had a small one. But I think it's not. On friendship. A gal pal just couldn't stop hating me because she thought I'd lie to her in the biggest way. I did. But in what aspect? I lied by not telling her that my cousin has been an American Citizen wayback. The reason why he was burried in the U.S. I didn't tell her from the start that he already had stopped loving her. Why? I don't want to be the messenger again. She still hates me. I think that would be forever. I am open for reconciliation. For now, let her own wound heal.
This maybe a typical story. This maybe just another melodramatic scene. All I know this is a part of me that I want to show to the world. God gave me another chance. A chance to live again, breathe, write, sing, achieve, share and to love. I would use it in the best way I could. God is beside me. He's with me all the time. He is my best-est friend. He is the ONE. He will be. He's the reaon why I'm back. He's the main thing why I have a purpose called life.
Friday, May 15, 2009
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